I didn’t really like my fiance’s sister to start with because really, how can you like a neutrotypical psych nurse who thinks neuroatypicals are ‘interesting’ and thinks you’re a bitch but like

she’s talking about how there’s this cat that lives out by the psych hospital she works at that walks normally when there’s no cars around but will stagger and limp when a car comes near it and said that it’s ‘borderline’


1) she knows I have borderline personality disorder

2) I said it’s probably just a panic response or some odd learned behavior but she’s like ‘oh but what if it’s borderline’ like no, animals don’t have mental illnesses, you work with humans and you’re shitty at that, I actually went to school for vet tech bitch stay in your lane jesus christ

i know i should be grateful it wasn’t another story about her and her co-workers playing ‘harmless pranks’ like telling paranoid patients there’s cameras in their rooms. again. because it was so funny the last 2 times they did it.

i hope she gets fired and loses her license for the shitty things shes doing to those people

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