

@alsohunter: “the poor are killing industries by not having money” is a very creative way to avoid saying it’s actually the rich who are killing industries by hoarding wealth and privatizing everything





Like if it wasn’t obvious that dumbasses like jacksepticeye, jontron, markiplier and pewdiepie all exist within the same circle of people and have a distinct interest in keeping each other at the top before, it should be now. And they’re all shit, each one of them. I don’t know if jack or mark said nasty shit like jon or felix did but the fact that they STILL support them, that they STILL actively shill for them shows that they are at least ok with supporting white nationalists if it means staying popular. I havent watched mark or jack in a while, but my young [below 15 yr old] brother does and it makes me so fucking mad that these dumb, uncaring fucks are willingly funneling kids towards racists like jon and felix for big bucks.

And of course of COURSE the people constantly defending these people are either literal children who have been TRAINED via this “bro army” nonsense to consider “liking pewdiepie” a personality trait and are woefully ignorant to the bigger picture because THEY ARE CHILDREN, or dumb whites or affluent types who consider consistently bigoted behavior a passable, easily forgivable thing that those darn minorities just won’t let up on.

So my advice is, if you’re a kid, know that this man is a 



and he is buddy buddy with known alt righters like Ben Shapiro

Jontron is a straight up avowed white supremacist btw

He does not deserve praise or fame, only scorn and removal. And if you’re an adult fan of his defending his shit, go fuck yourself. Now.

I get it, I used to be super into mark and jack and all of these folks but you HAVE to not let your rose-tinted glasses get in the way of the truth. Felix and Jon are racists and nasty, Mark and Jack actively profit from supporting them and their actions. I don’t care if they don’t actively say this shit, this is what they mean. Take it or leave it.

op you’re right and i would die for you