Could you fill me in on the whole grape-kun thing?



A japanese zoo, Tobu Zoo, had a colab with the anime Kemono Friends where they added cutouts of the anime characters to the enclosures of the matching animals to attract visitors and stuff, one of these characters being Hululu, an airhead anthropomorphic Humboldt penguin:


Grape-kun, an old humboldt penguin who’d been abandoned by his former mate due to his health issues, started showing a lot of interest for the cutout, staring at it for hours, trying to reach it on top of the tall rock where it was placed, and even trying to court it.


Of course, Kemono Friends already being a surprise hit show, the thing went viral and tons of art, jokes and other content were made. Even after the colab was over, the zoo didn’t remove Grape-kun’s sunshine, and Hululu’s VA Ikuko Chikuta even visited Grape-kun during an educational event:


Unfortunately, Grape-kun was already old and his health started to deteriorate. He was removed from his enclosure for treatment, along with his muse of course, that was placed next to him. On october 12, 2017, Tobu Zoo announced that Grape-kun passed away, with Hululu by his side in his final moments. Once again Grape-kun started trending, this time in a sadder tone as fans, visitors and part of the Kemono Friends staff paid their respects.


As a final homage to Grape-kun, a new cutout was added to the penguin enclosure in january 2018, immortalizing this romance:


And thus ends the tale of Grape-kun and Hululu. May our little Friend rest in penguin heaven with his anime wife, gone, but never forgotten.

I didn’t really like my fiance’s sister to start with because really, how can you like a neutrotypical psych nurse who thinks neuroatypicals are ‘interesting’ and thinks you’re a bitch but like

she’s talking about how there’s this cat that lives out by the psych hospital she works at that walks normally when there’s no cars around but will stagger and limp when a car comes near it and said that it’s ‘borderline’


1) she knows I have borderline personality disorder

2) I said it’s probably just a panic response or some odd learned behavior but she’s like ‘oh but what if it’s borderline’ like no, animals don’t have mental illnesses, you work with humans and you’re shitty at that, I actually went to school for vet tech bitch stay in your lane jesus christ

i know i should be grateful it wasn’t another story about her and her co-workers playing ‘harmless pranks’ like telling paranoid patients there’s cameras in their rooms. again. because it was so funny the last 2 times they did it.

i hope she gets fired and loses her license for the shitty things shes doing to those people






As a note: Living in a country with universal healthcare, any situation where the workplace requires a doctor’s note, the doctor’s office charges the workplace a fee of 100kr (about $15). Most workplaces don’t want to pay the fee so they don’t ask.

I’ve never seen a workplace with a ‘limit’ to sick days either; you’re either sick and stay home or you go to work. I’ve been sent home from work and school due to my ‘american work ethic’ and been scolded for infecting others. They don’t want you to come in when you’re sick.

it’s still classist (+ableist) in countries with universal healthcare because it assumes that “too sick to come to class/work/etc” somehow magically disappears when you need to get to the doctor for that note. if you’re reliant on transit or your own legs for transport because you can’t drive (whether because of cost or inaccessibility) then often it’s literally less effort to drag yourself to the thing than to try and get a note. if i can’t get to class because i’ve dislocated my shoulder, i’m not taking that shoulder on the goddamn bus

Thank you. My boyfriend has been sick a lot and he was either using unpaid days, or paid days he was legally entitled to. But his work place wanted a note and he was too sick to get to the doctors because….of course he was, so it was up to my disabled ass to get him there.

Asking someone to go to a doctor and waste their time and the doctor’s time when the doctors advice will be “go home and rest” is such a bullshit system and it’s such a transparent way of trying to punish workers for being ill.

How White People Handle Diversity Training in the Workplace



One of the white participants left the session and went back to her desk, upset at receiving (what appeared to the training team as) sensitive and diplomatic feedback on how some of her statements had impacted several of the people of color in the room. […] [Later] her friends wanted to alert us to the fact that she was in poor health and “might be having a heart attack.” Upon questioning from us, they clarified that they meant this literally. These co-workers were sincere in their fear that the young woman might actually die as a result of the feedback. 

All of this is going to feel very familiar to anyone who’s blogged about racism in fandom.

White fragility functions as a form of bullying: ‘I am going to make it so miserable for you to confront me — no matter how diplomatically you try to do so — that you will simply back off, give up, and never raise the issue again.’ White fragility keeps people of color in line and “in their place.” In this way, it is a powerful form of white racial control. Social power is not fixed; it is constantly challenged and needs to be maintained.”

How White People Handle Diversity Training in the Workplace